Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Desperate for Christ

I recently attended the Closer retreat conducted by the Catholic Guy ministry, and it was very refreshing indeed. The message from one of the talks spoke very strongly to me.

"We need to be desperate for Christ". The speaker shared the stories about the woman with a hemorrhage, the paralytic and his four friends, and Zacchaeus the tax collector. They were all desperate for Jesus, and Jesus repaid their faith through healing and conversion. Both the woman and the paralytic were healed, and Zacchaeus was converted.

I seem to be cruising through life without a thought of wanting Jesus to really come and rock the boat. I have never been in similar situations like those mentioned above to warrant desperation for Christ, though I must admit I have come close... Nevertheless, I came away convinced that in order to receive healing and conversion, I need to be desperate for Christ in all situations.

I pray and offer up my present situation to Jesus and that I may be desperate for Him always. I believe that God will change the aspects of my life which needs His intervention. May you also be desperate for Christ in your own unique situation, and experience His healing and conversion.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Cross always leads to the Resurrection

"The Cross always leads to the Resurrection" These words of Father at mass recently struck me. All of us at any moment in our lives are carrying some form of crosses. Let us not focus on these crosses but on the Resurrection that will come.

Father shared with us that in life, we will always have our crosses to carry. God does not want us to suffer but allows us to experience pain, so we can come out stronger and better. Christ is the perfect example for us. God allowed His Son to die on the cross so we can be saved through the resurrection.

Let us embrace our cross and focus on the resurrection that comes through it. Remember that God will not allow us to bear a cross that we cannot handle. Let us take heart in that and look towards Christ for strength to endure the journey and emerge victorious with Him!