Saturday, June 28, 2014

Steady, unshakable hope

I'm currently reading the book 'Heaven changes everything' and I came across this: "One of the most amazing things about him is the steady, unshakable hope he carries with him."

This is a child who has such hope that I am somewhat embrassed that I switch between steady, unshakable hope and wavering hope, depending on the situations I am in. Most days, I fall into a pity state and lament the insecurities in my life. However, I failed to realise that God has been generous to me. He has provided for what I need, namely with many part time work.

Though I still search for something secure, I can place my full hope that God will continue to provide for me amidst the many disappointments I have encountered. May my new found hope continue to be strengthened by you Lord. I know that these disappointments will one day turn into joy and fulfillment in what you have prepared for me.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Hunger for Christ

"Do we hunger for Christ?" This was the message I gathered at mass the other day. As I ponder on this question and look at my current situation, I find that there is this void within me, like a sense of emptiness that nothing can fill.

It could be because I'm still finding my way in life, still finding my direction in life. This emptiness could be the result of the absence of a hunger for Christ in my life... Instead of finding security in this world, I think it may be wise to find security in Christ.

It is in Christ that we become the person we were created to be. As I shift my focus from the things of this world, hard as it may be, I pray that the tiny hunger for Christ within me will magnify and consume me. May I be close to Christ everyday and let Him direct my thoughts, actions and decisions. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ambassadors for Christ

Father shared with us Pope Francis' message to the youth of the world at the last World Youth Day. Pope Francis urged us to be Ambassadors for Christ. In order to do this, he gave us 3 suggestions.

Firstly, to include prayer in our lives. Next, to nourish ourselves with the Sacraments. Lastly, to reach out to others. As I look back on the last few years of my life, I find that I have distanced myself from daily prayer. Now that the daily commute to work is no longer part of my life, of which I spend most of the time in prayer, I have left out prayer altogether... I wonder if this is the cause of my constant feelings of sadness and nights of disruptive sleep...

Being an ambassador for Christ has been the last thing on my mind recently and as I ponder on the words of Pope Francis, I realised that I should act on this call. Though I am unsure of what the future holds, I pray that God will guide me as I attempt to offer up everyday in prayer. May the Holy Spirit lead me and help me do my part to build God's Kingdom here on earth, to be an ambassador for Christ.

Monday, June 2, 2014

We will rise with Christ on the last day

At mass over the weekend, we celebrated the Ascension of our Lord. Father spoke about the mortality of monuments we construct and our immortality as Christians.

I find myself asking,"What am I doing with my life, knowing that I will rise with Christ on the last day?" It seems such a profound concept that I seldom remind myself of my immortality. As I reflect on my life and my situation, I must admit that there is more that I can do in my life before my final ascension with Christ to our heavenly home.

I pray that God will grant me wisdom to acknowledge my role here on earth and contribute to the best of my God given talents. But more importantly, to be able to identify my talents and use it for His Glory and not mine.