Thursday, July 31, 2014

A heart to understand how to discern between good and evil

The first reading from the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time spoke about Solomon who asked God for wisdom. This is what he said,"Give your servant a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil," This, coming from a King... Incredible!

As I ponder on his words, I too realised that I should also ask God for the heart to understand how to discern between good and evil. Many times in my life, I have not been able to distinguish between good and evil, and have been hurt in the process. Too many times, I have allowed situations and people to influence my thoughts, not giving due consideration to the stirring in my heart. I know that God has given us a heart to discern, but it is our request that opens us to His wisdom within us.

Lord, grant me wisdom and may my heart be led by your Spirit, and help me deal with any situation and people in my life.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Darnel amongst us

The Gospel last Sunday brought me down to earth. Jesus shared the parable about the man who sowed good seed in the field, only to have his enemy come along at night to sow darnel among the wheat.

It tells of the reality in our world today, that the devil is very present among us. He uses people around us to achieve his evil plan. The owner in the parable allowed the darnel to grow with the wheat and only at harvest time does his servants collect the darnel to be burnt before gathering the wheat. Evil people who are influenced by the devil will always be amongst us and we need to be cautious and watchful. It is only at the end of time, will we be free from the evils of the devil. That is when we come into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I pray that the Lord will help me to forgive the people who are influenced by the devil and grant me the strength and wisdom to deal with these people. My prayers are also with them to one day turn from the devil and return to the goodness of God.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life is so very fragile

I woke up on Friday morning to the news that a Malaysian airliner MH17 was shot done in mid-air. It took a while for the news to sink in...

I could not believe that this has happened. A commercial airline shot down in military fashion. Innocent lives taken... My heart goes out to those who lost their lives and more so for those they left behind. As stories of the passengers on that flight flooded our screens, I prayed that God will bless their soul and keep their families in His extra care.

Life is so very fragile and I thank God for what He has given me and what He has not. Though I fret about the things I do not have, I thank God for Life and the possibility of many many unseen blessings to come.

As we pray for the souls of those on that Malaysian airlines flight, let us celebrate our lives, freely given by God our Lord. Let not what we lack weigh us down but be thankful for what we have.

Monday, July 14, 2014

God's word to take root in me

The parable of the sower was shared in the Gospel last weekend. The ground on which the seeds fell on seem to represent the different stages of my life, much like a roller-coaster of ups and downs in my faith journey.

As I ponder on which stage of my life I'm in, I could not help but identify with the edge of the path. Birds came and ate them up... My faith has been pretty shallow of late, and I have been in and out of trusting in God's plan for me. I have not allowed God's word to take root in me. Hard as it is for me, I know that ultimately God's Will will prevail. I need to allow God to work in my life and also to allow Him to change my life.

As I journey ahead, I pray that the edge of the path will become rich soil so that God's word can take root and produce crop a hundredfold in me.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My yoke is easy and my burden light

"My yoke is easy and my burden light". This phrase struck me during mass last weekend. It was like a soothing balm to my soul (another phrase I picked up from a Disney movie).

I have barely recovered from the disappointment of another potential job offer during the week. It was particularly difficult to take in this time around as this position was very related to my skills and experience. Although I told myself that this is only the bend in the long road of God's beautiful plan for me, it was still very hard to swallow.

I have began to identify with the Justice Crew song Que Sara, especially the phrase "Some you win, some you don't". As I pick myself up again, and turn to Jesus our Lord, I am strengthen by His promise that "My yoke is easy and my burden light". Help me find my way Lord and find rest in You.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

God equips the called

Someone mentioned at mass the other day that God does not call the equipped, but equips the called. A very interesting phrase and how very appropriate for me at this time of my life.

I have been looked over for many roles which I felt I was very well equipped and suitable for. This has been happening for quite a while now. It has come to a point where I start to doubt myself, whether I am able to perform those roles at all. It has been a very deep valley for me and as I attempt to climb out of this valley, this phrase gives me strength and confidence that God will call me to where He wants me to be. More importantly, He will equip me for that call.

Thank you for revealing those words to me Lord and keeping me always in your sight.