Saturday, November 29, 2014

Be Charitable

It was the feast of Christ the King last weekend. Father spoke about how Jesus gave his life for us. He was not thinking about himself, but was only concerned for us. He was asking God the Father to forgive us while hanging on the cross.

I wonder if Jesus had even a single thought for himself while hanging on the cross... It is extremely difficult to be able to put others before one's self, especially so in today's society, where every turn of the corner, everyone is placing their interest above others. I constantly struggle to follow Christ's example, when every other person out there is doing the exact opposite. It is not only mentally painful but emotionally and spiritually... However, God is calling us to be charitable. He wants us to give what we have to others, and we can only do this is if we place others before ourselves.

I pray that as we begin the Advent season, God will grant me the strength and perseverance, as well as the serenity and wisdom to place others before me, and be charitable.

Monday, November 10, 2014

United Church

It was the feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica yesterday. This basilica was the original Church of Rome and the pope resided in the building next to it.

I remember a few years back when we visited Rome, we went to the Lateran Basilica. It was so different from St Peter's Basilica. Though it was not as majestic, it had a very authentic beauty, one that is ancient beauty.

Father mentioned in his homily that it is a tradition that every newly installed pope will celebrate his first mass at the lateran Basilica. I think this symbolises the unity of the church, with all the previous popes.

This is such a beautiful tradition, as is the many traditions of the church. I am so blessed to be part of this united church. The mass is celebrated in accordance to the rich teachings of the church and is the same in every part of the world. I have never felt different when I attend mass anywhere in the world, and such is the oneness of our catholic church.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Be child like

"I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, from hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children..." This is taken from the Gospel of Matthew.

Indeed the kingdom of heaven is revealed to children. Most days, I find myself being very skeptical of others and things that happen around me. I am unable to see the glory of God as I am blinded by knowledge that I acquired, knowledge of this world. I need to see the world through the eyes of a child and be child like again. Only then can I see the glory of God in those around me.

Help me be child like again Lord, and reveal to me your glory...