Monday, October 27, 2014

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind

The Gospel passage of St Matthew speaks about the greatest and the first commandment of the law. 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'

Father shared with us that we should do this by loving our neighbour as ourselves. This is the next commandment. I never seen it this way, always thinking that I should aim to love God by placing Him first in my life and seeking His Will in all I do. Now I know that I love God by loving those around me, people He has placed in my life. Though I find it hard sometimes, especially those who intentionally set out to hurt me, I pray for the grace to love them as myself. May I be strengthen by God to love Him through others.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Change and be better

Father shared at mass last weekend about how we can get very defensive when others comment on our actions. We always want to be right in all situations. Father challenged us to instead reflect on our behaviour and actions, and to change and be better.

I definitely agreed that I am very defensive when others comment on my actions. These may or may not be true, but I know that without reflecting on them, I would not be able to allow the situation to mold me and change me to be a better person. I have encountered many such situations and though I am not very proud of my responses, I know that I can use these experiences to do better next time. I also know that I need God to help me change from my old ways.

As I venture out into the unknown, I hold with me the faith that God will help me better handle situations in the future, and make me a better person for His Glory.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

For many are called, but few are chosen

"For many are called, but few are chosen." This was taken from the Gospel of Matthew and was the Gospel reading from last Sunday.

This phrase has been running through my head these past few days. I wonder what Jesus was trying to say, or is trying to say to me... Is He trying to tell me to persevere in my undertakings? That every opportunity that presents itself may not lead to the right outcome for me? This very much seems the case for my current situation...

However, as I pondered and prayed about it, I realised that there is a deeper meaning to this phrase. We are all called to live our life with love, but not all of us respond to this call. We are like the guests that were invited to the wedding, and we need to respond to this invitation by dressing appropriately, else we would be throw out. We need to respond in the right way to Christ's call for us, and only then can we remain in his heavenly banquet.

I know that I may not have always responded with love in my calling as a Christian but I pray that God will bless me with the grace and strength to do just that, in spite of how I am feeling.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Be thankful for life

Just the other day, I was having a really bad day and I chanced upon an event. It was an event in support of leukemia patients. The events of my day felt so insignificant at that moment.

We decided to purchase lanterns in support of the event. As we approached the queue, we were greeted by a lady who asked us whether we knew of anyone who has leukemia. Immediately, I remembered a school mate who passed on after his battle with leukemia. It was actually my brother's classmate. I was very young then, and did not really understand what it was all about. Now, as I remember him, I pray that he is with God now, in His heavenly embrace. We bought 2 lanterns, a gold one to remember a loved one and a blue one to support those who are battling this terrible disease.

I am thankful for being alive today and as I place the horrible events of my bad day behind me, I pray for those in a much worse off situation than me, especially those who are suffering from cancer and other illnesses. May our dear Lord grant them strength and healing.