Sunday, December 29, 2013

Called to be peacemakers

This was the message I received at mass this weekend. We are called to be peacemakers at home.

It is true, as Father mentioned, that we all have arguements between family members. The Holy Family was definitely not spared. Although it was not mentioned, it would be interesting to know what Mary's thoughts were when Joseph told her that they had to travel out of Egypt.

I know that I have on many occasions been short fused n irritable. It is indeed very difficult to maintain a cool head and remember to be a peacemaker in those moments . But with God's grace, I know I will get better at it. I'm sure you would too.

Let us be mindful of our purpose here on earth and bring the peace of Christ to others, especially our family members.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Light in the darkness

I received a very comforting message this Christmas season. I was at mass on Christmas eve and Father spoke about the troubled times in the Middle East centuries ago when Christ was born into the world. In our time as we celebrate the birth of Christ, we are still experiencing trouble in the Middle East.

Indeed, Christ comes to bring us hope in our troubles, He has conquered death and will deliver us from our pain. Our papal Pope Francis puts it very appropriately at the Christmas mass at St Peter's Basilica, that Christ is the Light in the darkness. Jesus comes to us to light up our darkness, and gives us renewed hope that our darkness is temporary.

As I reflect on the birth of Christ, particularly in relation to my situation, I am hopeful that my darkest hour will pass for Christ has come to shine His Light into my life. I wait in hope and pray that His grace will be revealed in my life. I pray the same for you.

Monday, December 23, 2013

There can be miracles when you believe

We recently went to a Nativity event in the city, and it was super packed with loads of people. This was an eye opener for us and we were pretty excited and looking forward to the experience.

It took us a long time, with some debating, before we found seats within the crowd. Carols were being sung to entertain the crowd before the main event began. The Nativity was presented with real camels, which the three wise men rode on, and a donkey, which carried Mary as Joseph accompanied her on their journey towards Bethlehem. It was a beautifully depicted play and both Angie and myself were both impressed.

One of the songs that was sung was the theme song from one of the Disney movies, "There can be miracles". We were both touched by the lyrics of this song, which reminded us that God is working miracles very single day and moment of our lives. We have to believe to be able to see these mini miracles.

As we continue our journey in life, we pray that God will continue to bless us with miracles and increase the tiny faith in us that we expand our believe in His almighty power and blessings He wants so much to pour into our lives.

Merry and Blessed Christmas to you all and may you experience the many miracles happening in your life.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy are those who keep faith in me

"Happy are those who keep faith in me." Father shared these words of Jesus at Mass last weekend. He also shared about St John the Baptist, hypothesizing what he might be thinking as he was placed behind bars. Did he see the mud or the stars as he glanced out from those bars...

I find myself in this position of St John the Baptist many a time and I try to see the stars instead of the mud. I'm sure you would know how difficult it is to be optimistic when all around you seems so gloomy. We all have those days. Christ is calling us to keep faith in Him. Try as we may, we will never be able to see beyond the present. Our God is our Father and He only wants the best for us. He sees beyond the present and asks us to be faithful in Him and we will reap the rewards in due time, when we are ready.

Everyday, I try to be faithful, with the sure knowledge that God has great things in store for me, though I see nothing today. Help me dear Lord to be faithful to you always.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Joy amidst your pain and suffering

"Share Christian joy amidst your pain and suffering." These were the words Father shared recently.

I think I have heard these words before but I am able to relate to it more this time round. This period of time has been very dark for me and I might have avoided whatever joy that I may have encountered. Christ is the source of joy and He gives willingly to us. We on our part are required to share this joy with others, even when we do not feel like it.

I can't imagine how it is possible to share joy when we ourselves are going through pain and suffering. However, this is our calling as Christians and I know with the grace of God, we will be able to. As long as we fix our eyes on Christ, we can do all things.

Lord, grant me the grace to look beyond my pain and share your joy to those I meet.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Peace I give to you, Peace the world cannot give

Preparations for advert has begun in the church calendar. The topic for the weekend's session was on Peace. Father shared the story of St Augustine.

St Augustine led a promiscuous life but repented, became a priest and finally a bishop. His words,"The heart is restless until it rests in the Lord." describes our search for the peace of Christ. The Peace of Christ cannot be found in the things of this world. Jesus has given us His Peace but we need to look within our hearts to truly experience it.

There were many words of wisdom from Father but the excerpt above remained etched in my mind. Everyday I try to find peace through visible and tangible things of this world, especially this particularly trying time in my life. I pray that I can experience the Peace that Christ gives, Peace that this world cannot give.

At mass the next day, I felt a sense of consolation when Father prayed for the unemployed. He urged us to place our hope and trust in God. Thank you Lord for your presence and comfort.