Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jesus loves you

Being in a static situation, with nothing working in you favour, tends to get to you. At mass yesterday, Father mentioned in his homily that Jesus loves us. That is the reason He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us so we will never be alone in this world.

I have always known that Jesus loves me but being rooted in my situation, it is very hard to believe that. These words were a reminder for me that Jesus loves me regardless and His Holy Spirit is with me through my darkest days and all my days. I am very certain that His Spirit has sustained me thus far, especially in times when I fell into the pits of despair.

Dear Lord, help me in my journey and may I remind myself constantly of your love for me regardless the situation I am in.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I have gone and prepared you a place

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house; if there were not, I should have told you. I am now going to prepare a place for you, and after I have gone and prepared you a place, I shall return and take you with me; so that where I am you may be too. You know the way to the place where I am going."

This is taken from the Gospel of St John. These words of Christ were like calming balm to my soul. Jesus assures me that He has prepared a place for me, in His Father's house. He further assures me that He will take me there to be with Him. As I place my trust in God, I am assured that Christ will take me to where He wants me to be, in this world and beyond. I am confident that God has my situation under His control and He will grant me what I need in the midst of this changing world.

Thank you Lord. May my faith in you strengthen with each passing day.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want

"The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. Surely goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life."

As Father read out this phase after communion time, it struck a chord within me. Do I acknowledge that there is nothing I want besides God? If so, am I convinced that only good things will come to me everyday of my life? Once again, I find myself questioning the goodness of God... As I wait on the Lord, I pray that my faith will increase, and that I can be convinced of my hope in God, that He has only good things in store for me.

As I continue to live each day in His Light, I pray that He will transform my thoughts and lead me to His everlasting goodness for my life here on earth.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Christ walks with us throughout our journey in Life

The Gospel on Sunday talks about two of the disciples' journey to Emmaus, where they encountered Jesus without realising who he was.

Does this sound familiar? There has been countless occasions where I failed to see Jesus in others who have been with me at different phases of my journey in Life. It is only on reflecting back did it dawn on me the fact that Christ was present with me then. He is now and will be in the future. Christ lives amongst us and He walks with us throughout our journey in Life, though we may not realise it. It is the eyes of faith that allows us to see beyond the obvious.

Let us pray that God increase our faith that we may see Christ in others throughout our journey here on earth.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe

Divine mercy Sunday provided me with a lot of food for thought.

This was the day that both Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII were canonized. Part of the road to canonization required 2 miracles to be attributed to the popes. I think that God allows these to be revealed for the common good of mankind.

Being divine mercy Sunday, Father mentioned the difference between doubting and hoping in the divine mercy of Christ.

When Christ said,"You believe because you have seen, happy are those who have not seen but yet believe", He was differentiating the doubters from the believers. Are we doubters or believers?

I sometimes fall into the band of doubters, not sure if this is due to my need to see to believe or a lack of fervent faith in God's divine mercy. It seems to be both, with my human faculties taking control.

I pray that God will help me stay a believer, if it means little injections of revealing His miracles in my life, but only for the common good.