Saturday, November 17, 2012

Choose your response

It has been a super busy week, what with so much to do. It certainly did not help that more things needed my attention and time was a luxury I did not have.

As if being busy with my stuff was not enough, I had to take on someone else's responsibility. It may be a simple thing like replacing a missing light bulb but trust me, when you are rushing to get things done, that can be a mammoth task. I think the worse part of it is the attitude of people, who are indifferent and irresponsible.

This whole incident has taught me, or rather reinforce the lesson I have learned on numerous occasions, that you must choose your response and not let your emotions do that for you. To borrow a common saying,"Make lemonade when life throws lemons at you". If I had allowed my emotions to get the better of me, I might have done something really horrible. Instead, I had myself a lemonade.

Oh, btw, in case you are wondering, I replaced the light bulb.

I know that life will be tough at times but when it hits you, there is no denying that it can get very demoralising and upsetting. I pray that in times like these, I may be sustained by the grace of God. As much as I would like some form of pain to occur to those irresponsible people, I pray that God will touch their lives and bless them.

May you be my source of strength always and may your glory shine through me.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Who am I

Oh man... it has been almost a year since my last post and so much has changed since. I feel that I am kind of at the cross roads, not knowing which direction to take.

Indeed, many events have taken place that brought about much joy and saddness. As I look back at the year, I find myself drifting away from who I am and what my purpose in life is. I try to cling on to the promises of God, that He gives only the best to us. Some days I succeed, other days I fall flat on my face.

Who am I? A song by the Casting Crowns, one of my personal favourites plays back in my mind and the lyrics fill my ears with the amazing truth that God cares for me. He cares for each and every one of us and He knows us for who we are....

To anyone out there who feel that they are down and abandoned, God is there, where you are. My hope is that He will bring you out and take you to His dwelling place.

As Christmas nears, I pray for God's blessing on every human person, that all His children will continue to give him glory always, even in the most trying of times.

I continue to search for the direction that I should take, knowing that God has my back...