We are back in Singapore for a short visit to surprise Angie's mum on her birthday in a few days time. It has been quite a week sorting things out at home that this was a welcome break. At the same time, we were able to drop by the LISS retreat which was in progress...
It was amazing being involved in the outpouring session, witnessing the mighty Hand of God moving within the participants and all in the service team. It brought back memories of my involvement in past seminars and once again affirmed me of God's abiding presence in the community and in our midst. After the session, we were treated with testimonies from participants and service team people alike and it re-affirmed God's greatness and generosity. Mass followed and the homily of Father Tom Curran provided a reality check for everyone that we will still have our daily cross to bear. It may be at work, at home or wherever God has placed us. Even Jesus, in all His divinity, had His cross to bear when He began His ministry, being rejected by the people of Samaria when He and the disciples were looking for a place to rest there.
This was a gentle reminder to me that in spite of all the good things that God has done and is doing, we will still be faced with our cross to carry. It struck me even more deeply when Father mentioned that parents have the cross of caring for their babies, waking in the middle of the night to feed them. I looked at myself and pondered if I would have the capacity to carry this particular cross when the time comes. It just seemed too heavy a cross for me... But I'm consoled by the fact that God will always provide the strength we need when we need it.
Help me carry my daily cross O Lord, though I might not feel that I am up to it.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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