Today is a momentuous day for us. We will be officially shifting to our new place. I was quite excited and was up even before my alarm rang...
We had a nice quaint breakfast at Hungry Jacks (aka Burger King :) nearby and off to mass we went. Another enlightening time at mass for me and renewed strength to face the week ahead. Father shared about 2 main points to reflect upon from the Gospel passage, which opened my eyes and my heart once again.
Firstly, Who is Jesus to us? The disciples were post this question by Jesus: "Who do you say I am?". Jesus is asking this same question to us. This question will ultimately return to us as who we see ourselves. It is not what we do but rather who we are as a person. Something to ponder on this coming week...
Secondly, Are we willing to carry our crosses and follow Christ? Father shared a story, which some of you might have heard before. There was this guy who asked God for a lighter cross as the one he had was too overbearing for him. God directed him to a room full of crosses and instructed him to choose one which pleases him. He finally found one which he felt was right for him and happily went to God with it. He was asked to look at the back of the cross and on it was his name inscribed on it. He had chosen the very cross which he was carrying all these years.
God knows us and will not give us a cross which we cannot carry. We all have our crosses to carry but Christ has assured us that He will help us carry our cross. He has died for us and there is nothing He cannot do for us. It then dawned upon me that I have been too focused on my own burdens and feeling crushed by the cross I am carrying. But everyone has their crosses to carry and we are not the only ones with crosses to carry. Suddenly, the many problems I face at work seem so small compared to bigger problems others may face. The best part is that Christ will help us bear our crosses for He has promised us that His yoke is easy and His burden light.
Do not be discouraged by the burdens you might be facing in life now, for Christ is always there with a helping hand. Thank you Lord for this comforting assurance.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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