Today is Corpus Christi and we went to mass as usual. It wasn't until we got to church did we realise that it was the feast of Corpus Christi.
As I pondered about the meaning of this feast to our present situation, God had the uncanny way of replying through Father's sermon. A somewhat gentle reminder I must say...
Father started with the history of how we came to celebrate this feast, which was meant to be celebrated on Maundy Thursday when Jesus instituted the Eucharist. However, due to the overshadowing of the passion and ressurection of Christ, it was decided by the church to celebrate it 60 days after Easter instead.
The real meat came when Father shared the three components of Corpus Christi. The first being the celebration of Christ's physical presence in our world some 2000 years ago. The second being the celebration of Christ's spiritual presence in the church community in our world today. The last and probably the most striking to me is the celebration of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. This last component, as mentioned by Father is very often neglected but really is essential to our faith. Something that cannot be explained by science and reasoning. He said this that reminded me of how God is beyond our understanding, "Faith begins when reasoning ends." Such simple words but they carry so much meaning.
As I reflected on my year thus far, I begin to see God's gentle reminder to me, that He was and is present among us, especially in the Eucharist. I realised that it has been a long while since I just spent time in front of the Eucharist. I know that He is there in the Eucharist ready to meet us as long as we are willing to come meet Him.
Let us remember Him always as we live each day, be it good or bad, beautiful or horrible, know that God was and is present among us. We odd to acknowledge that in our every waking moment.
Thank you Lord for your gentle reminder.
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