Our short trip to Singapore came and went too quickly. The weekend before we left, two separate sermons from two priests helped put some perspective to my present situation.
The first was about our all knowing God. He knows what is best for us and gives us only what we need. Father shared a story about a father who refuses to give his young son a knife although he wanted to play with it. It is akin to us asking God for stuff that we are dead sure we need and when we do not get them, we fret and lament. I feel that I have been asking God to provide me with certain things which probably is not what I need at this present moment. God wants us to trust that He will provide us with what we need and not what we think we need. I pray that God will shed some light on the things that I need at this present moment so I can go and pursue it.
The second was about evangelising. We must be prepared for both failure and success. It is much easier to handle success as compared to failure and we need to bear in mind that there is bound to be these two outcomes peppered in the daily grind of our lives. We should not allow the fear of failure to stop us from spreading the word of God in our lives. I realised that I have allowed fear of failure to consume me, forcing myself into a place of security, not stepping out into the possibility of both success and failure in the things that I envision in the little brain stucked in my head. Help me to acknowledge this Lord and constantly seek to spread your word through my words and actions.
Success and failure which can be epitomised in the game of soccer... The recent World Cup 2010 final was a fine example of how in the quest for the biggest prize in world soccer, there will be success for one team and failure for the opposing team. Kudos to the spanish team, you guys played amazingly and are always a joy to watch. Ole Espanol!
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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