It has been quite an activity-packed period since we returned from our trip, with home stuff to attend to and the conferences at work. This has left me with little or almost no time to pray in the mornings, which has been my daily ritual when I arrive at work. Today, as Father spoke about the need to be like Mary, and listen to what Jesus has to say, I felt I needed to once again spend some time in prayer on a daily basis.
In the Gospel today, Martha was complaining to Jesus about Mary, who instead of helping her, just sat listening to Jesus. Many of us are like Martha, busying ourselves with our work and all the things that occupy our time, that we fail to really set aside time to just listen to God. Father reminded me that we need to have both the active and contemplative side. It is good to busy ourselves in serving in ministry but we also need to spend time with the Blessed Sacrament and be renewed and strengthen to continue in our ministry. One time that struck me was this sentence that Father shared: “Necessity, when paid undue attention, becomes a monster.” A simple phrase but packed with so much meaning.
As I reflect on where I have been focusing my time and energy, I realized that I may have been paying too much attention on certain things that it might have consumed me and made me someone not so pleasant… I think it’s high time I start to avail myself to listen to God, to be directed by him and not by me.
I remember last week’s Gospel message: “Love your neighbor.” This is something I found very difficult, especially when faced with people who never fail to be unkind and mean. This verse in the song As Bread that is broken really sums it up: “Help us to begin where we are, help us love the people near to your heart, give our faith a mission field, wherever you may call, love the world through each of us, until you’ve touched them all.”
We can be anywhere in the world but we are called to love as Christ loves. This is probably the hardest thing to do but Christ himself strengthens us, and the only way we can allow him to, is to spend time with Him in prayer. Let us unite in prayer and be recharged to love the difficult people in our lives.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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