The Lenten season has begun. Angie and I went for Ash Wednesday mass at St Luke's Church last evening and attended the Lenten programme conducted by Father Trevor after mass. It was to be a very enriching experience of which there is too much to share in this blog entry. I shall break it down into a 5 part series over the course of the next few days.
We were a nice cosy group of 15 people all gathered in a circle and we shared and reflected on the readings for the first Sunday of Lent 2010. The first reading was from Deuteronomy 26: 4-10 and spoke of the desert experience of the Israelites where God created the Ark of the convenant with His people through the gift of the Ten Commandments.
I was quite shocked when Angie spoke up and shared about our new endeavour here in Perth, about how it gets lonely at times, with our families and friends all back home in Singapore. However, we always took comfort in the fact that God is journeying with us. He is the constant in our ever changing lives. Angie recalled two Sundays back at mass in St Joachim's Church at Victoria Park where words from a familiar hymn touched her. It sung: "Cast your burdens on me and I will give you rest." It was sweet assurance for the both of us that God is here to share in our heavy crosses.
A lady then shared about a prayer card she had, apparently given by Father which spoke about surrendering all our worries to God and He will take care of everything. This prayer gave her pretty much the same assurance we got, that God knows and shares our worries. Seems like I have company in worrying, being a worrier myself.
Once again God is reminding me to surrender all my worries to Him for He will indeed take care of everything. Who else would be capable of handling all our problems, He is the one who created us and this whole universe. I'm sure He has The solution we need. I take comfort in that and continue to surrender everything to God.
Thank you Lord for your constancy and for taking care of all our worries and anxieties.
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