This final segment of the reflections for the first Sunday of Lent continues with the Gospel reading of St Luke 4: 1-13. There were many sharings flying around describing how God answered prayers in His own time, sometimes taking months if not years. Through these many time periods, God really is molding us and forming us such that we would be able to handle His answer to our prayer.
I was particularly touched by a widow's sharing about the baptism of her late husband. Her husband was not catholic but accompanied the family to mass when they went. She has been praying to God that her husband would be part of the church but the day never did come, until he fell ill.
It was a tiring time for them but he managed to get well and it was not long before he asked to be baptised. God must have been preparing him all those years to be ready to say 'Yes' to be His son, and her to be patient with God. It was such a beautiful story of steadfast faith in God and I was truely humbled. My worries seemed so small...
One thing I learnt is to be patient with God, and to trust in Him, for He sees our entire life in one instant. Who better to know what we need and when.
Another sharing that really tugged at my heartstrings was a lady's encounter with the poor people living in the slums in India. One sentence that she said just threw me off my seat.
She said: "They have nothing but they have everything."
Indeed, there they are living on the charity of others and barely surviving, while here I am complaining about my financial situation when I am fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, food on the table and clothes to wear. Those words were justing shouting out to me and I was reminded about this little phrase that Angie shared with me, from the words of Bo Sanchez: "Live simply so that others may simply live."
Thank you for your providence Lord. May I never take things for granted and always seek to serve you in others.
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