A very stark reminder from the first reading from last weekend's mass. It says that we will be held accountable for the evil actions of our neighbour if we witness it and do not correct their actions.
This is the sin of inaction, which many of us are so guilty of. It is so much easier to ignore than to confront and attempt to correct, risking the potential of getting a nasty reaction. God is calling us to be His hands, feet and mouth, to reach out to our neighbours and correct them where necessary.
I pray that when the situation arises, that I may have the courage and grace to do just that. As I sit here tying these words, I honestly cannot imagine myself doing that. But with the grace and power of God, I know I will when the time comes... I pray the same for you. Let us go out and be Christ to all, no matter the situation.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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