We celebrated the exaltation of the cross last weekend. I do not recall this celebration in previous years... It probably just did not speak to me all those years...
I have been struggling lately with God's plan and direction for me in my life, grappling with the many challenging situations I find myself in. Much pain and suffering were involved, where I sometimes question when all this will end, or at least get better... I understand that this is the process I must undergo to grow but this seems too much to endure...
Jesus did not need to suffer and die on the cross, but He did to save me, and you. His suffering was so much that he perspired blood. Father mentioned in his homily that Jesus was under such intense stress that the capillaries in his body cracked and the blood came out as perspiration through his body. This has been confirmed by doctors to be possible if the person goes through immense stress. I could never imagine that, what a scary thought.
The suffering of Christ is so hard to imagine and ever more so His obedience to the Father and His willingness to die on the cross for all of us, believers and non-believers. As I ponder on this, I feel so blessed that Jesus sacrificed His life for me. I look forward to the day when my suffering turns into victory in the Resurrection, and I finally find rest in the Lord. Till then, I pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide me through life's challenges.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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