I believe that we are all placed in this world for a special reason, and that is to bring Christ to those that we meet. When Father mentioned at mass recently, "What we are passionate about?", it got me thinking... again. :) Father went further by asking us if you get too passionate about material things that we forget about Christ and what is really important in our lives...
This hit me really hard. I am the kind of person who would give my all at work and in most things that I do, such that at times I have neglected Christ and family, the important people in my life. Now at this point in my life as I give more time to the important people in my life, I find myself lost in translation... I'm trying very hard to discern what Christ has in store for me. With each new situation I find myself in, the discernment gets more confusing. As I journey from focusing on the passions of material things, to Christ and family, I pray that I will be able to find the perfect balance to help me grow into the person that Christ has made me to be.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
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