Jesus preached about the parable of the landowner who went out to hire workers for his vineyard, and liken this to the Kingdom of Heaven. This landowner hired workers at different times of the day but paid them all the same day's wages.
The workers who were hired in the earlier part of the day felt unfairly treated and complained to the landowner. To this the landowner refuted, saying that the wages were agreed when they were hired. "Why be envious because I am generous?" He said.
We are very often like the workers who complained. It is human nature to expect more when we have done more. However, God is generous to everyone, as long as we believe in Him and enter into His covenant. It does not matter which stage of our lives this happens, God will always be there with open arms to receive us and shower His blessings on us. We who have been longer in this community of believers should extend our love and support to those on the journey towards God. We should be privileged that we can be part of this amazing community to show the face of God to others, to be His hands and feet.
I pray that God will continue to grant me an open heart to share in the joy of others and not be envious of His generosity.
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5 weeks ago