At mass last weekend, Father shared a story about an elderly man, who on one of his usual morning walks, saw a scorpion hanging on a tree branch overhanging the river. He tried to pick the scorpion up to bring him to safety but was stung by him a few times. Another person, who happened to pass by, saw this and told the man off. The elderly man replied instead,"It's a scorpion's nature to sting, but why should I give up my nature to save."
Father continued to encourage us to be the Christian in our lives, be it at work, with friends or anywhere. We may have been at the receiving end of injustice or unkind acts, but we should not give up our nature, to do the loving thing. I found much consolation and peace in my heart on hearing this. I, myself have been pondering on a decision I made recently. I know I made the right decision, to do the right thing but in the process I have plagued myself with many more problems. I think I am still recuperating from the stings of the scorpion but I know that at the end of it, God's grace will see me through all the problems I am going through right now.
As Father says,"Love will prevail." Thank you Lord for your comforting words. May I see through this difficult time with You ever by my side. I pray that my nature remains in You and that I will reflect your love in this world.
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