At a recent Novena service, Father mentioned the phrase Jesus said,"It is not those that call me Lord, Lord who will enter the Kingdom of God, but those who do the will of the Father."
I have been reflecting much on this phrase. I ask myself constantly,"Am I doing the will of the Father?" Or am I just calling out His name at every sign of trouble and distress? I am at the stage of my life when I am asking God what His Will for me is. Today, I received yet another notification telling me that my job application has been unsuccessful. I could not help but ask the Lord where He is leading me with this.
I know deep down in my heart that He has placed me in this world for a purpose. However, it seems that my life is moving in an aimless direction. All that I hope and pray for seems to be the blessings God gives to others. I believe that He has a plan for me and I pray that my little faith will see me through this season of preparation as I await the blessings He has in store for me.
Reveal your will for me Lord and grant me the grace to live the call you have for me.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
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5 weeks ago
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