The central message that came across at Mass last weekend is the call to love your enemies. This is a very tough call, in my opinion. Almost every single incident that involves someone doing something against me stirs up so much hatred that I cannot ever imagine loving that person.
Father shared about the true story of a lady, whose dad was killed in the hotel bombing in the UK in 1984 it was I think. She met up with the bomber to find some sort of peace and ended up meeting with him on numerous occasions. In the end, she found that she was able to love this person in spite of what he had done to her dad. This is a really amazing story of how love always conquers evil.
I am certain that God blessed her with the grace to forgive and to consequently love that person. I pray for that same grace to do the same, as difficult as it is. As I prayed, I realised that the very enemy that can cause me the most pain and grieve is yours truly. Yes, it is me that is my own enemy. As strange as that might sound, but I find that I can be too hard on myself and expect too much from myself. Being able to forgive and love myself is one thing that I need to do, and I pray that God's grace will allow that healing to take place.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago