We were at our friend's place yesterday. Toni and Michelle invited us over to join in the celebration of Josh's 2nd birthday. We had planned to be there early at around 630pm but God had other plans.
The day started quite rountinely, with Angie making her way to work while I decided to go down to UWA early to do my readings on my research. We had a nice stroll to the bus stop along South Street which was about a 7 minute walk from our place. I accompanied Angie into the city and dropped her off at work before heading down to school. Later in the afternoon, I dated Angie for lunch, an appointment which I was late for. It was from this experience though that I learnt the benefits of communicating such a minor information as "I will be late". It saved Angie all the anxiety about where I could be and what might have happened to me. I seem to always get too self absorbed with what I'm doing that I lose track of time. It does not help that my mobile phone is always on silent mode... Angie would testify to all the times I made her worry in vain. Something that I'm not very proud of.
Anyway, late seems to be the theme of my day. I was delayed waiting for the bus that would take me to the corica shop at Northbridge. They have really yummy apple strudel and we thought it would be nice to give one to auntie Ann, whom we are putting up with. She could also share it with the guests she is currently entertaining over at her place. On top of that long wait for the bus, I had to squeeze up the bus packed with people. Thankfully I managed to get a seat after a few stops. I was surprised that I did not get very irritated by all the shuffling of people trying to get on and off the bus.
Well I was running half an hour late now and thankfully, I did not have to wait long for the bus back to the city and the train back towards home. I thought that all will be smooth and I should be able to get back into the city in Bluey to pick Angie after her work. Alas, the bus I took from the train station to home, of all days, had to miss the stop I was to alight from. I was thinking to myself: "I'm going to be late again..."
You guessed it. I was 15 minutes late to pick Angie up, but again it did not turn into another anxiety episode for her as I informed her beforehand. Somehow, for some strange reason, I was not particularly agitated. We made our way to Toni and Michelle's place and I was thinking we were going to be late again, but hey we were early. Traffic was kind to us.
We finally arrived and what a time we had chatting over dinner, playing with poppers and sparklers. We were so proud that we managed to spell JOSH using the sparklers and capturing it on camera. I think I can speak for Angie that it has been a long time since we enjoyed ourselves so much. I really felt at home and I just want to shout out a huge "Thank you to Toni, Michelle, Josh, Maria, Joshua, Melanie, and Father Andrew for your blessings of love and friendship."
As I looked back at the day that passed, I felt that more than anything else in the world, God wants us to be happy. I think that we can all achieve that with a little effort on our part and a massive dose of love from our friends and family, far and near, close to our hearts. May we choose to be happy always.
A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so
hardheaded. How can I help him change?” Last week, a woman who looked like
she was c...
5 weeks ago
Hey Ivan! Melanie here! Awesome blog posts both you & angie has! :D Praise God!