Preparations for advert has begun in the church calendar. The topic for the weekend's session was on Peace. Father shared the story of St Augustine.
St Augustine led a promiscuous life but repented, became a priest and finally a bishop. His words,"The heart is restless until it rests in the Lord." describes our search for the peace of Christ. The Peace of Christ cannot be found in the things of this world. Jesus has given us His Peace but we need to look within our hearts to truly experience it.
There were many words of wisdom from Father but the excerpt above remained etched in my mind. Everyday I try to find peace through visible and tangible things of this world, especially this particularly trying time in my life. I pray that I can experience the Peace that Christ gives, Peace that this world cannot give.
At mass the next day, I felt a sense of consolation when Father prayed for the unemployed. He urged us to place our hope and trust in God. Thank you Lord for your presence and comfort.
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