It has been a super busy week, what with so much to do. It certainly did not help that more things needed my attention and time was a luxury I did not have.
As if being busy with my stuff was not enough, I had to take on someone else's responsibility. It may be a simple thing like replacing a missing light bulb but trust me, when you are rushing to get things done, that can be a mammoth task. I think the worse part of it is the attitude of people, who are indifferent and irresponsible.
This whole incident has taught me, or rather reinforce the lesson I have learned on numerous occasions, that you must choose your response and not let your emotions do that for you. To borrow a common saying,"Make lemonade when life throws lemons at you". If I had allowed my emotions to get the better of me, I might have done something really horrible. Instead, I had myself a lemonade.
Oh, btw, in case you are wondering, I replaced the light bulb.
I know that life will be tough at times but when it hits you, there is no denying that it can get very demoralising and upsetting. I pray that in times like these, I may be sustained by the grace of God. As much as I would like some form of pain to occur to those irresponsible people, I pray that God will touch their lives and bless them.
May you be my source of strength always and may your glory shine through me.
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5 weeks ago
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