Two weeks back in his homily, Father told us to be generous in our giving. We are to be like Christ who is never lacking in generosity, to the extent of giving His life for us.
I have been asking myself how I can be generous since. Only until recently after a dramatic encounter at home that I realised that I can be generous with not only the material things but also the intangible things. We had a slight problem at home the other day and our friends whom we turned to for help did not hesitate to come over to help us deal with it. We are really thankful and grateful for that.
At the end of that long day, Angie asked me a question I did not expect. She said: “If the tables were turned, would I have no qualms about going over to help a friend in need?”. My obvious reply was ‘Of course!’. Now that I had time to ponder about that question, I’m not sure what my response would be in that particular situation. Delving deeper into that question, I realise that it calls for me to be generous with my time. Although I would gladly help a friend in need but if my time was occupied, that would change the whole scenario completely. I can only wish that God grants me the grace to prioritise the urgent from the rest and a heart of generosity.
The other story of generosity is my Dad, who came for a holiday but offered a huge hand in clearing our backyard and planting of new plants. I can't imagine doing all that by myself... And I am truely grateful for Daddy.
I hope that you may experience the joy of giving, be it your wealth, your time or your talents wherever you may be... God’s love and blessings be upon you always.
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