Another week has gone by in a flash. How true it is that time passes very quickly when you are busy. This week has been packed with trying to meet a deadline at work and hoping to get some decent results for the research.I have been thinking and reflecting on what Father brought up over the weekend mass. We are to be humble as God has. Jesus showed His humility by taking the form of a human person and dying on the cross for us. I know this for a fact but his words really reminded me of this profound truth. Father shared about one of our previous Pope, who constantly reminded himself to be humble as Jesus is. In his position, I reckon it can be so easy to fall into that proud stupor.
I was edified by that story and as I look at my life, though I am not in such a position, I know that one day I may be in one and I pray that I can follow the example of Christ. I know that it is so easy to fall into the pride category, I see it everyday in the actions of people. Some of them strangers, others I know. All I can do is to say a little prayer for them that they may come to realise that we are all equal in the eyes of God.
Grant me wisdom Lord, that I may always be humble in all my dealings with anyone.
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