Last Sunday was the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary. As Mass began, Father shared that Mary is our hope in this world. She was brought up into Heaven body and soul, and to undertake her role as our intercessor.
Wow, what an immense realisation that indeed Mary is always interceding at the right hand of our Lord Jesus. She is interceding not for anyone but for you and me, us as individuals. That certainly gives me a whole deal of hope. In this world we live in, hope is something we fail to see everyday, though it is around us all the time. The smile from a child's face, a driver slowing down for an elderly lady to cross the street, someone holding the door for you... There are so many instances if we only open our eyes to see.
There have been days these past few weeks when I couldn't see beyond my present situation and the thought of it was very depressing. Now, I remind myself that Mother Mary is interceding for me and Angie, and we are always in her prayers. Mary is really amazing and the reason that allowed the salvation plan of God to be carried out. Her fiat with God made it possible for God to come amongst us and ultimately redempt us all.
Finally, a story that Father shared which sums up our salvation story; There was a king who wanted to see God but all the priests and bishops could not show him God. A shepherd boldly told the king that his eyes were not good enough to see God but he could see what God does. The king immediately asked the shepherd to show him what God does. To this the shepherd asked the king to exchange his royal robes for his shepherd clothes, which the king reluctantly did. The shepherd then said: "This is what God does..."
To a God who comes down to our level, to the extent of being like us, Thank you for being our saviour and friend.
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