Thursday, January 21, 2010

Use Technology to improve our lives, and not allow it to control us

Today is my first foray into the world of blogging. It has taken me quite a while to get started, debating in my head what I should blog about and the such. Today as I sat at the Level 3 Eatery (Yes, that's the name of the eatery in Carilion City), reading the book," Fill your life with miracles" by Bo Sanchez, I was inspired by how Bo does the same routine everyday. The very simple thing of enjoying his moment with God in the morning, thanking God at night for his blessings, and seeking forgiveness for his sins. This allowed him to grow. The realisation hit me like a bowling pin being knocked down by the ball. (Pardon the analogy) Instantly, I told myself that I will begin what I have pushed back for too long. And like God sent, I figured that I should reflect on the one thing that God wants to teach me on that particular day. Thus, the title of my blog.

As I made my way home with Angie, I got a call from my Dad. It so happened that we were on our way down the escalator to wait for our train back. This resulted in very bad reception and half the time I was so irritated with trying to decipher what my Dad was saying and he likewise. What was meant to be a short conversation turned out to be eternity. Later, Angie pointed out to me that I could have called my Dad back when we were out of the underground station, with better reception. How did I not think of it then... Anyway, on the train i saw a lady reading an e-book, it was a slick little gadget about half the size of an A4 notepad. I bet she had a few books downloaded onto that device of hers. It certainly beats carry a thick, heavy book around... At that moment, I so wished that I could download the 2 bottles of 2.4L jucies I had in my bag into a small something to be drunk later. I could so feel the weight on my shoulders...

Today, it dawned upon me that God is teaching me to use technology to improve our lives, and not allow it to control us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey bro, good work with the blog! I like it alot, the colour scheme, the patterns and fonts are really nice. Great to start a new year with a new agenda in a new place. Will miss you and angie but i guess its how God works, He calls and He leads for us to respond and take the step. The world is changing so fast and technology is so apparent in every aspect of our lives that we may be crippled without it. Let's not let that happen but instead make technology a tool to facilitate what is necessary to bridge any gap between finding our inner selves and the one true God in our lives.
