Lent has come and gone, and it is now Easter.
I was particularly struck by one of Father's homilies during the second week of Lent. He said that we are a work in progress. God is continually molding and forming us into His image and Likeness.
I'm not sure able you but I always beat myself up when I do something that is wrong or bad. I don't mean literally but figuratively. I would blame myself and this not only affects me but those around me as well.
It is comforting to know that we are really a work in progress and it is ok to fall, to make mistakes. That is all about being human. God is making us into the person He intends us to be, through the our wrongdoings, in His time. Let us accept that we are only human, and that each mistake is a learning experience for us to be a better person.
Thank you Lord for all you do, for Christ Jesus your Son!
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