We attended mass at the Cathedral last weekend. It was a good time to pray and reflect after a long and tiring day out enjoying the Chinese New Year festivities in Chinatown.
Father shared about the 40 days of Lent, how we are to pray, fast and give alms. We often show our true colours when we undergo tough times. It could be voluntary or involuntary. Most times, our true colours show the bad side of us. It is during these times that we need to stay connected to God through prayer. Only God, who knows us through and through can help us get through these times, with love and kindness. Jesus was in the desert for 40 days and during that time, He was tempted by the Devil. He did not give in though He was clearly affected by the fasting. His constant connection to God through prayer kept Him going.
Help us Lord, to stay close to you and be more loving and kind to others during this Lenten season.
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