"My sheep know my voice" - Theses were the words of Christ. This is an analogy to sheeps recognising the voice of the shephard.
Father recently mentioned in his sermon last weekend that in reality, it is important that sheeps recognise their shephard because shephards tend to bring their sheep out for grazing together with those that belong to other shephards.
It is when it's time to return home, the sheep needs to recognise their shephard's voice to follow the correct person.
It is this amazing ability of sheeps that I strive towards. I find it hard to distinguish the voice of God in the stirrings of my heart. Many a time, I listen to the other voice and stray from the perfect plan that God has for me. I am thankful that He has not given up on me.
One thing I know is that if I follow the voice of love, I am on the right path. This has been the most difficult thing to do. It always requires sacrifice and getting out of my comfort zone to do the loving thing, especially to those that do not deserve it. It is in these difficult moments that I really need to draw on His strength.
Dear Lord, may I recognise your voice and heed your call daily, as difficult as it may be.
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