Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We must be the bridge builders

Last Sunday, Father mentioned about Robert Moore, a young boy who was shot in the bridge of his nose by a soldier and survived. He lost his sight but despite this, still forgave the soldier. 

Father shared this story to bring across the message that we need to love our enemies. This story brought to mind the assasination attempt on our late Pope John Paul II, who forgave his attacker and even visited him in prison.

I admire both our late Pope and Robert Moore for having the courage to forgive their attacker. Suffice to say that such  an event would ever happen to us, the daily grinding of events can stir up similar emotions of hatred. In these situations, I find it too tough to dig deep within myself, the courage to forgive my so called enemies. However, we must be the one to take the first step towards reconcilliation, to be the bridge builders. It does not matter what response we get for the very act in itself is the extension of peace.

Today, an earthquake struck Christchurch in New Zealand and suddenly I realised that there is so much more to life than holding on to these feelings of hatred. I am sadden by this event and my prayers go out to all those who died, those injured and those who are still missing. May God be with them.

It will be a new day tomorrow and I pray that with it comes new hope for all of us and may the past be left behind as we begin to look ahead for what is in store for us, God's promise for us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We are the Light and Salt of the earth

This was the theme of last weekend's Gospel. "We are the Light and Salt of the earth." It reminded me of the World Youth Day message of 2002, which I had the privilege of being a part of. I had many fond memories of the time spent there and I still remember that encounter with our late Pope, in his pope mobile zipping through the crowds...

Anyway, this message was re-iterated by Father at mass. We have been commissioned and have Christ's authority to spread His word to the ends of the earth. Father mentioned that salt was such a hardly sought after commodity that the Romans accepted them as a form of payment. The reason being it was the only way of preserving food, as such their importance.

I thought long and hard about how we can be the Light and Salt of the earth. Finally, it dawned upon me that most of us have responsibility over certain things. It may be people we manage at work, our children, our superiors, our aged parents, etc. 

The list is never ending... I realise that to a certain extent, we have some sort of authority to exercise and it is in the rightfull exercise of this authority and power, can we reflect the image of Chirst in this world. In doing so, we become the Light and Salt of the earth within our capacity.

As I struggle to handle this authority given to me, in terms of my responsibilities at work and at home, I pray that I may draw on the strength of God to guide me and walk me through every single step of the way.

May God be with you all in your struggles and also in the savouring of the precious and joyous moments in life's journey.