Today is Trinity Sunday. We got up alittle later, deciding to sleep in abit. The cold morning gave us that added incentive. Soon, we were up for breakfast and off to St John and Paul Church for Mass.
Father shared a very enlightening story of how a little boy, after a lesson on the Holy Trinity, asked him if God as three persons in one can be liken to his hand, five fingers in one hand. It is such a simple yet profound analogy. To think many theologians try to explain this mystery without much success. What followed simply gave me a whole new meaning to the sign of the cross we make so often but belittle it's significiance, or rather not giving it due recognition.
Father explained that the sign of the cross is a powerful symbol of faith. He gave examples of sports people acknowledging God in their presence through the sign of the cross before the start of a game and at the end as well. I'm sure we would have seen that in soccer matches ever so often. When we place our fingers on our forehead, it reminds us that God is our creator who made us. As we move to our lower chest, it signifies that Jesus has redeemed us, and as we move our hand from our left shoulder to the right, it means that we will go from darkness into light, death into life. As I sat there listening to this, I felt overwhelmed by the information. It brought new meaning to the reason we sign ourselves every time we begin our prayer, our work, our studies, and anything we do.
If you are going through a rough time right now, remember that God is with us. He created us, sent His Son to redeem us and will bring us out of our darkness into His marvelous Light. Let every sign of the cross you make be that reminder for you. New hope is radiating within me as I ponder about what this life holds for me. With every struggle and obstacle I face, at my workplace and within me, I know deep down that God is with me and He will bring me out into His glorious Light.
Thank you God and I pray that I will always be reminded of your presence and the reason we sign ourselves every time I make the sign of the cross. May I live out my faith in this world every single day of my life.
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